Barwinski, Eliana

Eliana Barwinski

Chinese-American Mezzo Soprano, Eliana Barwinski, is currently pursuing her Doctorate in Voice with a concentration of early music at Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music. She also holds three degrees from The University of Michigan. Currently, under the tutelage of Professors Julia Bentley and Judith Malafronte, she works to define her artistry through vocal pedagogy, historically informed performance, and research of art songs from Central and Eastern Europe. This summer, Barwinski was invited to be one of eight selected singers to attend the Ukrainian Art Song Project at the Toronto Royal Conservatory, in addition to receiving the Georgina Joshi International Fellowship for the Baroque festival, Aria Borealis, in Bodø, Norway. In addition to her engagements, Barwinski continually seeks to broaden her knowledge of sacred works by J.S. Bach, art songs of the underrepresented, and musical outreach and engagement. She currently serves as road manager and production manager for Indiana University's African American Dance Company and Re-Imagining Opera for Kids (ROK). Barwinski also works as a professional soloist and choral singer for established Episcopal churches such as Christ Church Grosse Pointe, Christ Church Cathedral Indianapolis, St. John’s Church Detroit, and many other groups in the Metro-Detroit area.